Hãng sản xuất : Lovibond - Đức
MODEL : MD 600
Mô tả:
Dùng để test các chỉ tiêu nước thải, nước nuôi trồng từ Aluminium tới ,Zinc.,…với trên 100 chỉ tiêu về Chlorine, Nitrate, Ammonia, TSS, COD, Mn, F, pH, …
Màn hình chiếu sáng cho phép đọc kết quả đo thậm chí trong điều kiện ánh sáng yếu. Được thiết kế chống thấm IP 68.
Các bước sóng đầu lọc giao thoa (IF) : 430 nm;530 nm;560 n;580 nm ;610 nm ;660 nm .
Thông số kĩ thuật:
- Độ chính xác bước sóng : ± 1nm
- Độ chính xác quang phổ: 2% full scale (at 20 ° C to 25 ° C)
- Nguồn cung cấp: 4 x AA batteries; hoạt động liên tục 26 giờ hoặc 3500 tests
- Chế độ tự động tắt: 20 phút sau phím nhấn sau cùng
Kích thước: 210 x 95 x 45 mm ; hộp đựng: 395 x 295 x 106 mm .
- Khối lượng: 450 g
- Bộ nhớ lưu trữ: 1000 kết quả
- Điều kiện làm việc: 5-40 ° C, 30-90% rel humidity (non condensing)
Cung cấp bao gồm:
Hộp đựng
4 pin
Cáp điện: 100-240V
3 ống mẫu tròn đk 24 và 16 mm
2 adapter cho ống mẫu 16mm và 13mm
Thanh khuấy bằng nhựa 13 cm
Qúy khách có thể chọn test cần đo.
Acid Demand 0.1-4 mmol/l
Alkalinity Total M 5-200 mg/l; 5-500mg/l
Ammonia 0.02-1 mg/l; 0.01-0.8 mg/l
Ammonia LR 0.02-2.5 mg/l
Ammonia HR 1-50 mg/l
Boron 0.1-2 mg/l
Bromine 0.05-13 mg/l
Chlorine 0.01-6 mg/l; 0.02-2 mg/l; 0.02-4 mg/l; 0.1-10 mg/l; 0.1-8 mg/l
Chlorine Dioxide 0.02-11 mg/l
COD 0-150 mg/l; 0-1500 mg/l; 0-15000 mg/l
Copper 0.05-4 mg/l; 0.05-5 mg/l
Cyanide 0.01-0.5 mg/l
Cyanuric Acid 0-160 mg/l
DEHA 20-500 µg/l
Fluoride 0.05-2 mg/l
Calcium Hardness 0-500 mg/l; 50-900 mg/l
Hardness 2-50 mg/l; 20-500 mg/l
Hydrazine 0.05-0.5 mg/l; 0.01-0.6 mg/l; 0.01-0.7 mg/l
Hydrogen Peroxide 0.03-3 mg/l; 1-50 mg/l; 40-500 mg/l
Iodine 0.05-3.6 mg/l
Iron 0.02-1 mg/l; 0.02-3 mg/l; 0.02-1.8 mg/l; 0.03-2 mg/l; 0.1-10 mg/l
Manganese 0.05-5 mg/l; 0.2-4 mg/l; 0.01-0.7 mg/l; 0.1-18 mg/l
Molybdate 0.05-5 mg/l; 1-50 mg/l; 0.5-66 mg/l; 1-100 mg/l
Nitrate 0.08-1 mg/l; 1-30 mg/l
Nitrite 0.01-0.5 mg/l; 0.01-0.3 mg/l
Nitrogen Total 0.5-25 mg/l; 5-150 mg/l
Active Oxygen 0.1-10 mg/l
Dissolved Oxygen 10-800 µg/l
Ozone 0.02-2 mg/l
PHMB 2-60 mg/l
Ortho-phosphate 0.05-4 mg/l; 1-80 mg/l; 0.06-2.5 mg/l; 0.06-5 mg/l; 5-40 mg/l; 0.05-5 mg/l
Phosphate Total 0.02-1.1 mg/l; 0.06-3.5 mg/l; 0.1-10 mg/l; 5-80 mg/l
pH Value 5.2-6.8; 6.5-8.4; 8.0-9.6
Potassium 0.7-12 mg/l
Silica 0.05-4 mg/l; 0.1-1.6 mg/l; 0.1-8 mg/l; 1-90 mg/l
Sodium Hypochlorite 0.2-16 %
Sulphate 5-100 mg/l
Sulphide 0.04-0.5 mg/l
Sulphite 0.1-5 mg/l
Urea 0.1-2.5 mg/l
Zinc 0.02-1 mg/l; 0.1-2.5 mg/l
Aluminium 0.01-0.3 mg/l; 0.01-0.25 mg/l
Chromium 0.02-2 mg/l
Copper (free) 0.05-5 mg/l
Nickel 0.1-10 mg/l
Polyacrylate 1-30 mg/l
Phosphonate 0-125 mg/l
Suspended Solids 0-750 mg/l
Turbidity 0-1000 FAU
Monochloramine 0.04-4.50 mg/l; 0.01-0.50 mg/l
Triazoles 0-16 mg/l
Alkalinity P 5-300 mg/l
Chloride 0.5-25 mg/l
Chlorine (total) 5-200 mg/l
Platinum-Cobalt / Hazen
Stock Code |
Reagent |
Test |
Qty |
Alkalinity Total M Photometer Tablets |
Acid Demand |
100 |
Alkalinity Total M Photometer Tablets |
Alkalinity Total M |
100 |
Ammonia No1/No2 Tablets Combi Pack 250 each |
Ammonia |
250 |
Ammonia Vario Powder Reagent Set |
Ammonia |
100 |
Ammonia LR Vario Tube Test Set |
Ammonia LR |
50 |
Ammonia HR Vario Tube Test Set |
Ammonia HR |
50 |
Alkalinity P Photometer Tablets |
Alkalinity P |
100 |
Aluminium No1/No2 tablets combi pack, 250 each |
Aluminium |
250 |
Aluminium Vario Powder Set |
Aluminium |
100 |
Boron No1/No2 Combi Pack 200 each |
Boron |
200 |
DPD No 1 Tablets |
Bromine |
100 |
Chloride T1/T2 Tablets Combi Pack, 250 each |
Chloride |
250 |
Chloride Photometer Liquid Reagent Pack |
Chloride |
65ml |
DPD No 1 Tablets |
Chlorine |
100 |
DPD No 3 Tablets |
Chlorine |
100 |
Chlorine DPD Free Vario Powders, F10 |
Chlorine |
100 |
Chlorine DPD Total Vario Powders, F10 |
Chlorine |
100 |
DPD Glycine Tablets (for Cl separation) |
Chlorine Dioxide |
100 |
DPD No 1 Tablets |
Chlorine Dioxide |
100 |
Persulphate Powder Reagent for Chromium |
Chromium |
100 |
Chromium Hexavalent Vario Powders |
Chromium |
100 |
COD Vario Vials 0-150 mg/l, 16mm ø |
25 |
COD Vario Vials 0-150 mg/l, Mercury Free, 16mm ø |
25 |
COD Vario Vials 0-1500 mg/l, 16mm ø |
25 |
COD Vario Vials 0-1500 mg/l, Mercury Free, 16mm ø |
25 |
COD Vario Vials 0-15000 mg/l, 16mm ø |
25 |
COD Vario Vials 0-15000 mg/l, Mercury Free, 16mm ø |
25 |
Copper No1/No2 Tablets Combi Pack 250 each |
Copper |
250 |
Coppercol Liquid Reagent 1 |
Copper |
30ml |
Coppercol Liquid Reagent 2 |
Copper |
30ml |
Coppercol Powder Reagent 3 |
Copper |
10g |
Copper No 2 Tablets |
Copper |
100 |
Copper Vario Cu 1 10ml Powder Pack |
Copper |
100 |
Cyanide 11/12/13 Reagent Set |
Cyanide |
200 |
Cyanuric Acid CyA-Test Tablets |
Cyanuric Acid |
100 |
DEHA Tablets |
100 |
DEHA Solution |
100ml |
DEHA Vario Powder, Liquid Reagent Set |
200 |
SPADNS Liquid Reagent |
Fluoride |
250ml |
Fluoride Standard Liquid Reagent |
Fluoride |
30ml |
Calcium Hardness Calcio No1/No2 Tablets Combi Pack |
Calcium Hardness |
250 |
Hardcheck P photometer tablets, total hardness |
Hardness |
100 |
Hydrazine Test Powder, with spoon |
Hydrazine |
30g |
Hydrazine Vario Hydra 2 Liquid Reagent |
Hydrazine |
100ml |
Hydrazine Vacu-vial ® reagent set |
Hydrazine |
30 tests |
Hydrogen Peroxide Low Range Tablets |
Hydrogen Peroxide |
100 |
DPD No 1 Tablets |
Iodine |
100 |
Iron Low Range Tablets |
Iron |
100 |
Iron (II) LR Tablets |
Iron |
100 |
Iron Vario Ferro F10 Powder Reagents |
Iron |
100 |
Iron Vario TPTZ F10 Powder Reagents |
Iron |
100 |
Manganese Vario LR Powder Liquid Reagent Set |
Manganese |
100 |
Rochelle Salt Vario Solution |
Manganese |
30ml |
Manganese Vario HR Powder Reagent Set |
Manganese |
100 |
Manganese Liquid Reagent A |
Manganese |
30ml |
Manganese Liquid Reagent B |
Manganese |
30ml |
Manganese Liquid Reagent C |
Manganese |
30ml |
Molybdate No1/No2 Tablets, Combi Pack 250 each |
Molybdate |
250 |
Molybdate Low Range Vario Powder Liquid Reagent Set |
Molybdate |
100 tests |
Molybdenum Vario HR1/HR2/HR3 Powder Reagent Set |
Molybdate |
100 |
Molybdate HR Liquid Reagent Pack |
Molybdate |
100 |
Nickel No1 Tablets |
Nickel |
100 |
Nickel No2 Tablets |
Nickel |
100 |
Nitrate Test Powder |
Nitrate |
100 tests |
Nitrate Test Tablets |
Nitrate |
100 |
Nitrite LR Tablets |
Nitrate |
100 |
Nitrate Vario Tube Test Reagent Set |
Nitrate |
50 |
Nitrite LR Tablets |
Nitrite |
100 |
Nitrite Vario Nitri 3 Powder Reagents |
Nitrite |
100 |
Nitrogen Total LR Vario Tube Test Reagent Set |
Nitrogen Total |
50 |
Nitrogen Total HR Vario Tube Test Reagent Set |
Nitrogen Total |
50 |
DPD No 4 Tablets |
Active Oxygen |
100 |
Dissolved Oxygen Vacu Vial ® Reagent Set |
Dissolved Oxygen |
30 |
DPD No 1 Tablets |
Ozone |
100 |
DPD No 3 Tablets |
Ozone |
100 |
DPD Glycine Tablets (for Cl separation) |
Ozone |
100 |
PHMB Photometer Tablets |
100 |
Phosphate LR No1 / No2 Combi Pack, 100 of each tablet |
Ortho-phosphate |
100 |
Phosphate HR No1/No2 Tablets, Combi Pack 100 each |
Ortho-phosphate |
100 |
Phosphate Vario Phos3 Powder Reagents |
Ortho-phosphate |
100 |
Phosphate Vario Ortho-phosphate Tube Test Set |
Ortho-phosphate |
50 |
Phosphate ortho HR Vacu Vial ® Reagent Set |
Ortho-phosphate |
30 |
Phosphate ortho LR Vacu Vial ® Reagent Set |
Ortho-phosphate |
30 |
Phosphate Vario Acid Hydrolyzable/Total Phosphate Tube Test Set |
Phosphate Total |
50 |
Phosphate Vario Total Phosphate Tube Test Set |
Phosphate Total |
50 |
Phosphate HR Liquid Reagent Set |
Phosphate Total |
100 |
Phosphonate Vario Powder Reagent Set |
Phosphonate |
100 |
Bromocresol Purple Photometer Tablets |
pH Value |
100 |
Phenol Red Photometer Tablets |
pH Value |
100 |
Thymol Blue Photometer Tablets |
pH Value |
100 |
Phenol Red Liquid Solution |
pH Value |
15ml |
Polyacrylate Liquid Reagent Set |
Polyacrylate |
100 |
Potassium T Tablets |
Potassium |
100 |
Silica No1/No2 Tablet, Combi Pack 100 each |
Silica |
100 |
Silica LR Vario Powder Liquid Reagent Set |
Silica |
100 |
Silica HR Vario Powder Liquid Reagent Set |
Silica |
100 |
Silica Liquid Reagent Set |
Silica |
80 |
Chlorine HR / Acidifying GP Combi Pack, 100 of each Tablet |
Sodium Hypochlorite |
100 |
Sulphate Turbidity Tablets |
Sulphate |
100 |
Sulphate Vario Sulpha 4 Powder Packs, 10ml |
Sulphate |
100 |
Sulphide No1 / No2 Tablet Combi Pack |
Sulphide |
100 |
Sulphite LR Tablets |
Sulphite |
100 |
Benzotriazole Powder Reagent Set |
Triazoles |
100 |
Urea Reagent 1 |
Urea |
15ml |
Urea Reagent 2 |
Urea |
10ml |
Copper/Zinc LR Tablets |
Zinc |
100 |
EDTA Tablets |
Zinc |
100 |
Zinc Reagent Set |
Zinc |
100 |
Alkalinity M HR Photometer Tablets |
Alkalinity Total M |
100 |
DPD No 1 High Range Tablets, 0-10 mg/l |
Chlorine |
100 |
DPD No 3 High Range Tablets, 0-10 mg/l |
Chlorine |
100 |
DPD 1 and 3 Liquid reagent set |
Chlorine |
6 x 15ml |
Chlorine HR / Acidifying GP Combi Pack, 100 of each Tablet |
Chlorine (total) |
100 |
Hydrogen Peroxide Reagent Solution |
Hydrogen Peroxide |
15 ml |
Iron LR Liquid Reagent Set |
Iron |
100 |
Iron HR 2 Liquid Reagent Set |
Iron |
100 |
Phosphate LR Liquid Reagent Set |
Phosphate Total |
100 |
Ammonia No1/No2 Tablets Combi Pack 250 each |
Urea |
250 |
Manganese LR1/LR2 Tablets Combi Pack, 250 each |
Manganese |
250 |